Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Take His Fish!

Based on what I have seen in the biography, I think Ghenghis Khan is merely a leader who does what he has to do, because "a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do" (Rugrats reference.)   But in all seriousness, the man was protecting himself and asserting his beliefs.  As a child, his father was killed, this ultimately made him believe that he needed to avenge him. Thus, his scheme for revenge was born.  Overall, he is an immoral human being and I'm no fan, but most leaders are terrible human beings.  Khan shows how the tug less behavior needed to seek revenge.  He had to be ready to kill people and make smart moves.  The man married so he could have a militaristic/political alliance to advance in his plan.  As un-romantic as that is, it's really smart for a sixteen year old boy to come up.  Ghenghis Khan also killed many people, but in all honesty, I don't blame him.  He's threatened and has the right to protect himself.  He is also super determined, which is a good quality in a leader, even if his main goal was stupid and bad.  I'm in no support of his desire of revenge but he worked really hard for it.  He just did what he had to do. 

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