Thursday, October 3, 2013

Was he great?

Alexander the Great always seemed like a great person to me, mostly because his title has the word "great" in it.  But after watching clips of the documentary, I would have to disagree and exaggeratedly state that it was all a lie!  I am convinced that he was a drunk who had multiple issues ranging from his father to anger.  One clip that held my attention proves that point.  It was when many people became drunk and Alexander started to complain about his father.  That part shows that he had some issues with his father.  The other part that caught my attention was that he became furious when Cleitus defended Philip and basically insulted Alexander.  Clearly, Alexander was not acting responsibly because he was drunk, but I am convinced he was drunk most of the time any way.  He managed to kill Cleitus which proves he has anger issues.  He also proves to be pretty full of himself and the word "arrogant" sums him up. Alexander definitely seemed like the kind of man who wants everyone to know him and know that was great.  But I am also convinced that he didn't just decide to leave home one day thinking "I'm going to make myself seem like a hero today and go on a journey to make people believe that!"  I think he was just genuinely trying to be the best that he could be.  Some people say that he was great, but I do not agree with them after watching those clips. 

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