Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'll Blame Catastrophe..

The collapse of the Roman empire is pretty confusing to historians.  I agree with the catastrophic collapse cause/idea.  The fall of the empire did not occur in one event, but a domino effect based on multiple events. I also agree that these events were inevitable.  All of them were bound to happen at one point or another.  J.B. Bury states that "a number of crises" lead to the fall of the empire.  All of these crises being catastrophic  and harmful to the empire.  This cause is also thought to have a cycle of events that seem to lead to the fall of an empire.  I also agree with this because it makes sense for certain events, all being similar, to lead to the end of an empire.  The venn diagram shows that both the Han and the Roman empire fell because of similar events and reasons, so the cycle of events makes sense and has evidence supporting it.  The fall of the Roman empire was pretty catastrophic for the Romans.

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