Saturday, November 16, 2013

Al and Plato

Al-Ghazzali and Plato both agree that senses need to be forgotten in order to attain the truth. They diverge at the point where sufis use their senses to think about life and what it must really mean. However, sufis apparently have firm beliefs where they can distinguish between substantial and unsubstantial truth. From Plato's Allegory, a person gets truth by rejecting his senses and being enlightened. 

Al-G on Math and Religion

Question 1: The description of math and smallpox tell us that Islamic values do not depend on math or science to prove religion.  But it is used to prove things rather than replace beliefs.  Math and science do not need to prove religion but they can be used to prove other objects and ideas.

Question 2: Al-Ghazzali thinks that religion and math do not need to be separated until man steps away from religion because he thinks math disproves it.  He says that math does not prove anything against religion and it does not prove anything for religion.  But he does say that math creates two problems.  These two problems are man stepping away from religion because he think it is disproved by math.  Or when man thinks that it is illogical because other men think that it is illogical. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ben's Accounts on Baghdad and Constantinople

In Benjamin of Tuleda's descriptions of Baghdad and Constantinople, there are multiple differences of both cities.  The description of Baghdad mostly has to do with the magnificent and expensive sounding palace and festivities carried out in it.  The caliph is mentioned multiple times as well.  The city also has a hospital and an asylum. Constantinople is described to be rich and full of merchants. There are so more festivities and churches found in Constantinople than in Baghdad according to Benjamin's description.  Overall, Constantinople seems like a trade city while Baghdad is more of a home to the caliph. When comparing Benjamin's accounts of both cities, he seems to have more to say about Constantinople than Baghdad.  This makes Constantinople sound more exciting and almost better than Baghdad because it has more.  However, he makes the caliph in Baghdad sound really generous with the description of the hospital and asylum.  The two cities are pretty similar in that they are successful and have some forms of entertainment for the people.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quran Teachings

The Quran's teachings are basically telling the followers or Islam what they should do and what they must be. The Quran also mentions how Allah should always be praised and how he should not be forgotten.  The relationship between Allah and human beings is that the humans follow him and he will reward them if they follow him with lots of devotion. 
Compared to Zoroastrians, Muslims must follow a set guideline, Zoroastrians followed moderation and did not have any "rules." Zoroastrians also followed other gods in addition to Ahura Mazda.  The Quran says "You alone we worship, and to You alone turn for help" which means they can only believe in Allah and no other gods.  When comparing Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the three say that they should only follow one God and one God only. 
Jews, Christians and Muslims all have something that tell them how they should behave and what they should be.  There are the Ten Commandments for Jews and Christians and the Five Pillars for Muslims.  The three also have some form of a judgement day just like Zoroastrianism. But the Quran and its teachings are very specific and strict compared to that of the other three religions. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Justinian's Code

The role of women is this empire is pretty minor just like in the other societies that we have studied.  Women are just there for babies(omitting angry feminist-like comment.)  But women do have some rights of divorcing and repudiating.  But overall, they are just there so there are children running around.  There is nothing in the document that says that women get any power.  All they are needed for is producing more people because the possession of children is discussed throughout the document. 
Justinian's background matters for this because it determines why he was emperor Justin's nephew.  His blood relation is important for him to keep his power over the empire.  If he is not able to provide a reason to why he is related to Justin, then he loses his position. The reader should know that the code is important because it protects his rights of being emperor.