Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Justinian's Code

The role of women is this empire is pretty minor just like in the other societies that we have studied.  Women are just there for babies(omitting angry feminist-like comment.)  But women do have some rights of divorcing and repudiating.  But overall, they are just there so there are children running around.  There is nothing in the document that says that women get any power.  All they are needed for is producing more people because the possession of children is discussed throughout the document. 
Justinian's background matters for this because it determines why he was emperor Justin's nephew.  His blood relation is important for him to keep his power over the empire.  If he is not able to provide a reason to why he is related to Justin, then he loses his position. The reader should know that the code is important because it protects his rights of being emperor. 

1 comment:

  1. The reader also needs to know that Justinian came out of the peasantry, as this is going to shape his views on the application of laws to all classes, and it means that possibly (possibly!) he will have a less indulgent view of wealthy people behaving badly. Maybe.
