Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ben's Accounts on Baghdad and Constantinople

In Benjamin of Tuleda's descriptions of Baghdad and Constantinople, there are multiple differences of both cities.  The description of Baghdad mostly has to do with the magnificent and expensive sounding palace and festivities carried out in it.  The caliph is mentioned multiple times as well.  The city also has a hospital and an asylum. Constantinople is described to be rich and full of merchants. There are so more festivities and churches found in Constantinople than in Baghdad according to Benjamin's description.  Overall, Constantinople seems like a trade city while Baghdad is more of a home to the caliph. When comparing Benjamin's accounts of both cities, he seems to have more to say about Constantinople than Baghdad.  This makes Constantinople sound more exciting and almost better than Baghdad because it has more.  However, he makes the caliph in Baghdad sound really generous with the description of the hospital and asylum.  The two cities are pretty similar in that they are successful and have some forms of entertainment for the people.

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