Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I would think that Tahiti and Hawaii had good political, social, and cultural relations.  The two way voyaging signifies these relations between the two islands.  The people of Hawaii were not opposed to Mo'ikeha marrying two of their princesses.  If there were political and social issues then he would not have been accepted and the marriage wouldn't have happened.  Their cultures were probably similar because there weren't any problems with the marriage mentioned.  The Hawaiians also respected Mo'ikeha's other wives and didn't have some uproar about it.  To be honest, if I was one of the princesses, I'd probably be pretty mad but that seems to be culturally accepted in Tahiti and Hawaii. The Hawaiians also accepted one of the Tahitians' gods when Mo'ikeha's son came. Hawaii also seems more open-minded because it easily took Tahiti's hula dancing and drumming.  Overall, Hawaii and Tahiti seem like they would (metaphorically) sit at the same lunch table because they seemed to have good relations with each other. 

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