Saturday, February 8, 2014

High School Girls and Europeans & Muslims

Based on high school girls, I think that the Europeans can't have a positive view of the Muslims.  This problem between the Christians and the Muslims reminds me of two girls I know.  These two girls are pretty similar but hate each other for no reason.  They fight, spread rumors, and treat each other poorly.  They don't really have a reason to hate on each other.  Both of these girls are super stubborn and it's nearly impossible to change their minds. The same is seen in the Europeans' and Muslims' disagreement except it's more extreme.  While reading the Christian documents, I was convinced that the Christians were just as close-minded as the girls mentioned before.  They have their strong beliefs that prevent them from seeing the Muslims' perspective.  They also have their own opinions and rumors that they view as facts, like Muhammad being a son of Satan.  These rumors could be destroyed if the Christians learned about Islam.  But the Christians don't seem willing to learn about Islam, all they seem to want is to get rid of it so Christianity can be dominant. The Christians also don't seem to like the Muslims because of how they were treated.  Since they were treated poorly, they feel insulted.  Most people when they're treated poorly or insulted hate whoever was hurting them.  They treat that person in the same way.  All of those accounts convince me that the Christians won't ever have a positive view ion Muslims because they don't want to communicate between each other and they've had enough bad experiences that they don't want to change their minds.  Both groups as a result probably don't want to change their minds either because then they have to admit that they were wrong.  They might have to question their religion and themselves and no one wants to do that. Overall, I think the Christian perspective readings support that the Europeans won't have a positive perspective on Muslims.  

1 comment:

  1. Good analogy! The only difference is that if the high school girls get out of hand, someone possibly will referees for the Christians and Muslims, though.
