Sunday, September 8, 2013

History Head

My region is China.  For the first theme, I have a picture of a river to show that the Chinese settled around rivers like the Yellow and Yangzi.  Inside the head I have a picture of an iron sword to show that the Chinese developed iron metallurgy and became more technologically advanced because of it. For the second theme, I have an image of an oracle bone to show the fortune-telling tradition that was apart of their belief system.  These oracle bones affected the person's external life as they were to predict a person's future.  The image inside of the head is of a scene from Disney's movie, Mulan.  The scene includes Mushu and two spirits of Mulan's ancestors.  This shows the Chinese belief that ancestors were super important to their lives.  The deceased ancestors and the living family members were to live together because the deceased also had an affect in the world.  For the third theme, there is a crown on the outside to show royalty.  The emperors of China were thought to be connected to heaven at one point.  Obviously since they had emperors, they had a monarchy for their political structure.  On the inside of the head, there is a picture of a dragon bowing.  The act of bowing is to show that a normal person respects the emperor because of the Mandate of Heaven. For the fourth theme, there is a picture of a rice field on the outside to show that rice was an agricultural production in China.  On the inside there is a picture of slave shackles.  The shackles are to show that slaves were apart of China's labor system, and that a person would think that a slave does a lot of work.  For the final theme, there is a picture of Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.  Gaston is a really big, strong man, who is full of himself.  China had a patriarchal society, and basically men were important and dominated which is what Gaston shows.  The final picture inside the head is of another scene from Mulan.  Shang isn't actually bowing down to Mulan, but that's what it looks like and it works for the idea it's supposed to portray.  In ancient China, the men earned their rights and honor through the female descent of their family, so women had some importance.  


  1. Hey Twinkie! I really liked how you used Gaston to represent the importance of men in the Chinese society. I find that really creative. I love your colorful keys that you used instead of numbering the images. To improve your poster, you should have printed out large images because there are empty spaces on your poster. Also, if you could have written down all the themes on your poster, it would have been better. One similarity between China and India is that women were inferior to men. Women were not able to make important decisions in the family. The difference between China and India is that the Chinese used oracle bones to predict the future of a person. Indians did not have a fortune-telling tradition. Are you a big fan of Mulan?

    1. Thank you for the compliments and improvement ideas, I'll keep the improvements in mind for the next project. And to answer your question, I am not a big fan of Mulan. I love that movie but I wouldn't say I am a big fan. I personally love Lilo and Stitch and Hercules much more than Mulan.
