Monday, March 17, 2014

Fucan's Relationship with Christianity

Fucan is pretty personal and wishes he never converted to Christianity.  He believes he wasted so much of his valuable for nothing because he never got anything out of it. He refers to it as the religion of the "barbarians" or the Europeans because they were seen as uncivilized to most of the world.  Fucan also refers to Buddhism as the "Great Holy True Law," which shows that he is convinced that Christianity is full of lies. He includes Confucian learning to emphasize the point that Christianity offers little truth and one must adhere to Confucian learning instead.  For this time period in Japan, Buddhism and Confucianism could be followed together while Christianity tells them they can only pick it.  Fucan focuses on the "native learning" that some Japanese people turned to so they could preserve traditional Japanese beliefs and culture.  Fucan includes the militaristic aspects of Christian followers.  He repeatedly says they destroy places and includes places that had been swamped by missionaries and military trying to overthrow countries.  

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