Monday, March 10, 2014

Ships, Slaves, Crew Members..the Battle

The crews of slave ships took great measures to ensure that maximum profits from their business of transporting human cargoes.  The ships themselves were overcrowded and people received little personal space to none.  The slaves were squished together so that the ship would hold the maximum number of people.  The crews gave the slaves food so that they wouldn't die of starvation.  If a slave refused to eat, they would go to great pains to get him to eat.  They would force-feed the slaves so they would not be losing profit.  If they refused to eat food, they would get punished so they wouldn't do it again. Along with the force-feeding and punishments, the ships had nets to prevent slaves form jumping off.  The crew also watched the slaves carefully to make sure they didn't attempt to escape  and if they did they would get punished.  Some of the slaves were chained as well to prevent them from escaping or committing suicide in a different way.  Basically, the crews of slave ships used many ways to make sure they didn't lose any bodies. 

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