Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Response to Niall

To his first question, "Is it possible to delete these apps?" It sounds to me that he is implying that we can  delete these apps. Based on his presentation, I feel like it is possible but it would take a a great amount of time to delete any of the apps. But  I think app number 6, work ethic, may be the easiest to "delete" because people, especially Americans, are lazy.  That leads to the second part of his question, "Is the West deleting its apps?"  I think that the West is probably deleting app number 6.  However, the other apps seem like they can't be deleted as easily because they're important parts of every society.  The reason why it is may seem like they are "deleting" these apps is probably because the other countries are slowly getting closer. When I say they are slowly getting closer, I mean that I think that all the countries are in a race.  They're all running to try to beat each other to the end.  At the beginning and right now, the West seemed like it was running fast and strong and it was ahead of the others, but the countries that were last in the beginning of the race are making a strong comeback and the West is unaware.  So, I'm trying to say is that the other five apps are harder to delete but once the other countries get them downloaded and get a hold of them, they're going to be better than the West and back to race analogy, the West is probably going to lose if it doesn't update its apps.  

To his second question, "does the sequencing matter?"  I don't think the sequencing matters.  Maybe the way they're downloaded matters, but maybe not when they are downloaded.  I guess Africa could get it wrong, I don't want to make a conjecture(Vocab word! And..this is going to show how oblivious I am to the world), but I don't really know what is exactly happening there, I should probably get to some form of news.  But if Niall is asking this question, I'm assuming he or other people think Africa is going to get it wrong. I guess if these apps are forcibly downloaded and misused then a country could "get it wrong."

To his third question, "Can China do without App number 3?"  No, China needs app number 3 because it protects an incentive.  People need an incentive for everything.  Property has always been a motivator for people because they just always want to own.  It's human nature to want stuff and to own it.  If people didn't want to own things, other people, businesses, to be honest, anything, there wouldn't be competition or a consumer society.(that doesn't mean that I think competition or consumer society needs to be downloaded first.)  Property rights ensure that the people's property is protected.  If China doesn't download that app, then people won't feel like they need to care about anything.  Like John Locke, I think selfish motives(they aren't bad, selfish just has a negative connotation) drive everything and without property rights, China would be missing that drive. 

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