Monday, March 31, 2014

Industrialization and Words

Social Changes
Everyone can work since there are no skills necessary so men, women, and children are capable of making some money. 
More people can make more money because more money is being made per family, which can cause poorer families to become richer than others in society. This is also an economic change as the family income is changing.  
A person's value in society changes as a skilled person and an unskilled person are basically the same. So a shoemaker couldn't tell the average person that he's better any more because the average person can uphold a job.  
Political Changes
People want more of a say in government because they feel more important and think they should be able to make government decisions. 
Another political change could be the people who were in the lower classes while try to displace the monarch
Religious Changes
One religious change is that the people work so much that they forget about their religious beliefs and just focus on making money because that's the only thing they care about.  
On the opposite end, people pray more for their family as they want to be safe when they travel or work. They could also be pray more because they want more money(money makes people more selfish!) This can give the Church more power while the first one takes power from the Church.
Economic Changes
Some of these changes were mentioned in the social changes. But more people are capable of making money as the average person can hold down a job. Another economic change is that the society does not have a stable economy as more money and more product is being sent to other countries. Or the society makes more money because of the increased amount of trade.  

The actual meaning of the word liberal can explain the way that the people reacted. These people during the Industrial Revolution were not against change as they embraced the new ideas because these ideas helped their lives. Some were probably conservative as they probably didn't like the idea of jobs being done by the average, unskilled person. Some people were conservative as they probably didn't want their jobs to be taken by other people. The reactionary reactions were probably shown by skilled people who were like "No, you can't do that, that's my job, I won't be able to make money if the average Joe just did everything!" The people who were radical were probably like "This is awesome! It makes my life great and we should have more new ideas!" I think the majority of people were liberal as they liked the changes and embraced them.


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